Tickets can be used to subscribe for Events and Sit&Go’s. Some tickets are generic and can be used in all tournaments, some tickets are specific and can only be used for a certain tournament or tournament series. Players can win tickets in special events or can receive tickets from admin as bonus. Players can also transfer tickets between their friends.
Here all your open or available tickets are displayed. The green icon means they are ready to use and can vary between a spade (won in a tournament), an arrow down (received from a befriended player) or a star (bonus).
Every ticket can be opened separately by clicking on the ticket. You will get more info like its expiration date, see the history of the ticket, transfer or use it.
This handy filter can be used to search between your tickets for generic or specific tickets.
Here all your used tickets are displayed. The grey icon means they are not available anymore and can vary between an arrow up (transferred to another player), a check mark (used in a tournament) or an x (expired).
Click on a ticket for more info as when it was transferred, used or expired. The history of ticket will also be available.
Use the same filter to search between generic and specific tickets.
In the details of a ticket you immediately see the availability and the expiration date of the ticket.
In case of a specific ticket you can click the button to go straight to the intended tournament lobby to subscribe.
In the ticket transfer section you can transfer the ticket to a friend.
In the history section you can look up the history of the ticket.
Here the details of the ticket you want to transfer are shown.
Search your friends name to which you want to transfer this ticket.
Click the button to make the transfer definitive.