The best Open Face Chinese poker app in the world. Play on iOS and Android mobile devices.

In 2016 we created the first version of the Days of Poker Open Face Chinese Poker app. Today we played over 5 million OFC Poker hands. If you like to play online poker, the Days of Poker app is an absolute must. Discover this challenging poker game and spice up your game. Days of Poker is fully available with play money, so don’t hesitate and try the app.

Discover the Days of Poker OFC app

GGPoker Cup 2023

Participez au plus grand événement des clubs de poker en Belgique! Après le succès de la première édition en 2022, la GGPoker Cup live est de retour cette année! Avec pas moins de 17 clubs participants, l’...

Kill The Team – Live & Online

Comme vous le savez, GGPoker Belgium se limite rarement  au poker en ligne. Nous nous chargeons toujours de vous concocter de nouvelles surprises. En live aussi, en collaborant activement avec les clubs. Envie...

You Are Pokah

Nouvelle année, nouvelles chances. Pas de repos pour les membres de la Team de Pokahnights pendant les vacances d’hiver… Le moins qu’on puisse dire c’est qu’ils se sont pliés en quatre pour vous concocter un p...

Discover our extensive network of poker projects

Days of Poker is part of a network of different live and online poker projects. Discover our extensive poker network and uncover our activities in the entire poker scene. We invite you to take a look around in our portfolio.


Over 50.000 players enjoy our games every day. Don’t hesitate to discover our network and join the games. You are invited!


In our live venues we have over 150 tables with exactly the games you like.
Your seat is always available.


OFC Hands

In our Days of Poker app we played over 5M hands. Download the candy and experience the best OFC action in the world.